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Friday, December 30, 2022

Birds, Fish, & Marine Critters Scavenger Hunt: Q-V-X-Z

Birds, Fish, & Marine Critters Scavenger Hunt: Q-V-X-Z

This is the first of 48 ABC animal books that has been published on

I have been actively working on these ABC animal books since the spring of 2020.

Each book is 60 pages long.

I expect to complete all 48 books by the first half of 2023.

This endeavor has kept me happily occupied during the lockdown and beyond.

Here are the details regarding this first book.

Birds, Fish, & Marine Critters Scavenger Hunt: Q-V-X-Z

Birds, Fish, & Marine Critters Scavenger Hunt: Q-V-X-Z

$9.99 Paperback on Amazon

$4.99 Kindle eBook on Amazon

Book Description: Zeb and Deb went on a photo scavenger hunt for birds, fish, and marine life that start with the consonant letters Q, V, X, or Z. When they found a critter that fit that category, they composed an alliterative description to accompany their favorite photo(s) and placed these in this book.

From their travels worldwide, the fifth-grade twins and their dad took these photos at zoos, animal reserves, parks, beaches, and out in the wild. Zeb and Deb created a few of these pictures using PowerPoint and Paint. They took the rest of the photos by watching the free WildEarth Safari,, and zoo webcams during the pandemic.

Since many primary school students have been stuck at home and couldn't get out in nature, this book is the twin's way of bringing nature to them. So, get ready, get set, go. Join the twins on their scavenger hunt for critters that start with the consonant letters Q, V, X, or Z.

This is book 16 in the 23-book phonics scavenger hunt series with Zeb and Deb featuring birds, fish, and marine critters that feature the alphabet letters and/or the phonetic blends of CH, SH, TH, or WH. See the book line-up below:

  • Birds, Fish, & Marine Critters: 23 books total
    60-page books: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I & U, J & K, L, M, N, O, P, Q-V-X-Z, R, S, T, W, Y, CH-SH-TH, & WH

  • Mammals, Reptiles, & Amphibian Critters: 19 books total
    60-page books: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H & J, I-O-U, K & L, M, N, P, Q-V-X-Y-Z, R, S, T, W, & CH-SH-TH-WH

  • Invertebrates Critters: 6 books total
    60-page books: A-E-I-O-U, B-C-CH, D-F-G, H-J-K-L-M-N, P-Q-R-S-SH, & T-V-W-X-Y-Z-TH-WH

About the Author: Debbie Dunn has been a professional storyteller since 1989. She has also served as a teacher of at-risk teens, an anti-bullying specialist, and she taught both elementary and middle school. She now indulges her love of nature, traveling, and writing as she follows the trail of at-risk animals. This Zeb and Deb Scavenger Hunt Phonics book is one of many.

Amazon Link to all children’s books by Debbie Dunn

Here is the link to the author’s page on Amazon of all paperback and kindle books by Debbie Dunn.. It will open up in a new window.

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